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Back Massage

What We Treat


Chiropractic is a regulated primary health care profession. Here at Honiton Chiropractic Clinic we diagnose, treat, manage and prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This includes bones, joints and muscles and the effect they have on the nervous system.


We specialise in neck and back pain but can assess a patient to find the physical, emotional and social causes of their pain within the entire body. We utilise a range of techniques to relieve pain and improve function as listed below.


Soft Tissue Therapists assess and treat minor injuries, chronic conditions and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. The soft tissues include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and other connective tissues.


We assess by checking muscle length, range of motion and strength of muscles. We then use massage and other techniques to improve the range of motion of the joints, which often reduces pain and improves movement. We can suggest and advise on rehabilitation exercises to do at home that improve function, reduce pain and gain strength. 


So whether you have an injured ankle from running, suffer with a repetitive strain injury, have chronic pain due to a condition or just have a niggly ache, then soft tissue therapy is for you.

Chiropractic Manipulation

Chiropractic manipulation is a safe and effective method of improving the range of motion of a specific joint as well as relieving pain. Chiropractic manipulation can be used on any mobile joint of the body.

Myofascial Taping

Taping can be used all over the body to improve blood flow, aid stability and reduce inflammation for a number of injuries and is often used by sports people.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Simple, home, therapeutic exercises can be designed specifically around you to aid in the effectiveness of chiropractic care and soft tissue therapy to speed up your recovery.

Soft Tissue Massage

There are many different types of massage depending on the condition being treated. These include soft tissue release, trigger point work, muscle energy techniques, positional release and a variety of muscle stretching techniques.

Dry Needling

Dry needling uses small needles to gently reduce muscle tension and the pain response within an area.

What Our Clients Say

Mrs Clarke

I have used Austin Wells-Burr the chiropractor over a few years and he is absolutely brilliant. Kind and professional and brilliant results. Lovely receptionists, lovely therapists, can't recommend highly enough

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